- Buy the Lion King [X]
- Try out for the Amazing Race (not possible but it’s ok)
- Play cards with the family [X]
- Work with Acquire the Fire [X]
- Go on a spontaneous roadtrip [X]
- Go to a zoo. Anywhere (I went to an aquarium. It counts) [X]
- Play more Ultimate [X]
- Have an awesome message at Starlite [X]
- Go on Urban Outreach again [X]
- Watch the Hannah Montana Movie [X]
- Make a music video [X]
- Eat at Pancho’s at least 20 times [X]
- Go to Beach Week
- Go on a mission trip [X]
- Spend a quiet time with God at least 2x a week [X]
- Exercise often [X]
- Spend less time on the internet and TV [X]
- Watch the stars [X]
- Dance in the rain [X]
- Make dinner for people in my hall [X]
- Spend more time with my roommate [X]
- Strengthen new friendships [X]
- Maintain old relationships [X]
- Call extended family
- Go to a Chinese buffet all day
- Go on a scavenger hunt [X]
- Watch sunset and sunrise on the same day [X]
- Buy something off an infomercial
- Get a piñata [X]
- Buy something from a lemonade stand
- Make an unexpected friend [X]
- Order pizza with a ridiculous accent
- Learn how to street drum
- Learn to break dance
- Have a dance party [X]
- Do karoke [X]
- Learn to count to 10 in 10 different languages (I’m at 4)
- Hang out with homeless people [X]
- Go to a concert [X]
- Drink 100 oz. of water a day [X]
- Color in my coloring book [X]
- Write letters, not emails, but old school 42¢ letters [X]
- Go hiking [X]
- Fly a kite
- Read in my Spanish Bible [X]
- Make an art book! [X]
- Have a waffle night [X]
- Play board games with friends [X]
- Be more encouraging [X]
- Talk to Paul Conn [X]
- Apply for Deer Run [X]
The following were at Deer Run
- Create lasting relationships [XX]
- Catch a fish with my bare hands (heck yeah I did!) [X]
- Conquer fear of heights on ropes course (faced fear yes, conquered no)
- Go canoeing [X]
- Change lives [X]
- Grow as a leader [X]
- Grow in my relationship with God [X]
- Have an amazing summer! [XX]
- Go fishing [X]
- Stare at the stars all the time [X]
- Find the albino deer! [X]
- Pet a deer (next summer…)
- Blob somebody
- Play paintball! [X]
- Find a church in Cleveland [X]
- Get involved in said church
- Hang out with my brothers and sisters more from TSC [X]
- Have movie nights [X]
- Call more people [X]
- Eat more vegetables
- Spend less time on facebook
- Read a really great book [XX]
- Learn to play racquetball
- Go on more walks with Diamond [X]
- Get to know my neighbors (ehh not as well as I would have liked)
- Watch David Crowder in concert (*sigh* one day…)
- Write encouraging notes to girls on my hall [X]
- Finish reading through the Bible [X]
- Donate Blood [X]
- Break some rules [X]
- Climb to the top of a roof [X]
- Go cliff-jumping
- Stop procrastinating
- Go to bed at a decent hour (seeing as I’m doing this at 3 a.m.? fail.)
- Figure out what’s going down in life
- Complete counseling [X]
- Go on some more Jesus walks [X]
- Get good grades
- Spend a day in my PJs [X]
- Go to the public library and read in the Children’s section [X]
- Do a random act of kindness [X]
- Sleep in my hammock [X]
- Become a floor leader [X]
- Have a reunion with my imaginary friends [X]
- Have family time [X]
- Giggle [X]
- Become a Youtube sensation [X] (I think so!)
- Be awesome [X]
- Complete most of the items on this list (77 completed!) [X]
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