"No, life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath... We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn't it?"

--Donald Miller

I Have Not Forgotten You

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Four years ago, I was in Nicaragua with my church on a mission trip. I was absolutely in love with the country, the people, and their way of life. However, I was not expecting to fall in love with a boy.

The first time I met Christopher, he came running at me, waving a stick, and yelling at me in rapid, unintelligible Spanish. I had no idea what this four year old was yelling at me, but it seemed pretty fierce. When he finally slowed down, Christopher pointed at himself saying, "Davíd," and then pointing at me saying, "Goliat," while then preceding to hit me with the stick.

For the next few days that we stayed at the orphanage, I was with Christopher constantly. We played David and Goliath almost constantly, taking a break only so we could play caballos, with Christopher jumping on my back and commanding me to take him places. At night, when all the children sat down to read a bible story and have worship together, Christopher would climb into my lap and fall asleep there.

Christopher Pérez Dávila was born to a prostitute and an abusive and alcoholic father who would abuse his mother in front of Christopher. He lived with his grandmother until he was three when he was discovered, uncared for and given only ice cream and a piece of bread to eat for meals. In spite of this, Christopher has grown strong, loving to give hugs and with a big imagination for beating up giants. Christopher was the youngest in the orphanage at Casa Mephibosheth, yet his personality, his affection and most definitely his imagination was one of the greatest.

The next year, I went back to Nicaragua, just so I could play with Christopher again. I cannot describe to you the peace that came back into my being. Of forgetting about all the problems in the world and knowing only of love. He had grown since the year before, yet his smile was still the same as was his love for fighting giants.

Christopher turns eight years old today. On this day, there is only one place where I wish that I could be, at Casa Mephibosheth, playing with Christopher and the rest of his buddies. To hug my brother and tell him that he taught me so much, how amazed I am that one who is so small and has been through so much, can have such a love for life and for others. I pray for my brother all the time, hoping that he is safe and well.

It's been two years since I last saw Christopher, as I pray for the day that I can go back and be with him.

Christopher, I have not forgotten you.

May you continue to fight the giants with the same passion as the day I met you.


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