"No, life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath... We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn't it?"

--Donald Miller

One Way To Eliminate Stress

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I was a little stressed today.

Outlines, papers, due dates, schedules...it started piling up on me and freaking me out

It even got so bad, I started cleaning my room just to get my mind off things.

But then I realized that I hate cleaning more than anything else.

So, to take out some stress, I made a Post-it note tree

Granted, I still have a lot of leaves to make, but it beats cleaning anyday

Also, you should listen to this song, it's quite beautiful and portrays my love for Narnia exactly:

"There's A Place For Us" by Carrie Underwood

Failing The Easiest Class In The World

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Teacher? When am I ever going to use cursive in my life?"

"Never. Unless you want to become a teacher, in which case you have to learn it just to teach your students how to do it."

And that is how I will end up failing my class--because I don't know how to write in cursive (or read it either)

Weather Emergency Family Preparedness Plan

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do you have a Weather Emergency Family Preparedness Plan??
Well, you should. At least that's what all the forecast websites told me. And because in Tennessee, we've never seen more than two inches of snow (today we have eight!), the state has been declared in a "state of emergency" (stop laughing at us Minnesota). And so, under weather.com's commands, I've taken a quick inventory of things we have in case the roommates and I get snowed in.
  • Shovel: nope. We're a household of college girls, why would we ever need a shovel prior to this?
  • Snow tires: negatory, captain
  • Flashlight: probably somewhere around here. Granted, we don't even have batteries. On second thought, I do have a headlamp because those things are really fun to run around with in the pure darkness (and because it makes me feel cool)
  • Food: 20+ cans of tuna, three frozen pizzas, tea and snow cream--we may freeze to death but we definitely won't starve to death (although our taste buds may hate us)!
  • Tent: Why, yes as a matter of fact we do
And so, because we want to take all the precautions we can, In case the ceiling collapses from the INTENSE weight of the snow, we've decided to build a tent in the living room...just in case
Note: Aslan spent the night in there with us because lions generally do not enjoy cold weather--although Aslan LOVES snow

It Looks Like Narnia Outside

Monday, January 10, 2011

Friends, meet Hill of Awesomeness

Since Tennessee has never seen snow at the 7 inch mark since the Blizzard of '93 (or even snow higher than 2 inches), today was declared a snow day and people like me spent the day sledding and enjoying this rare phenomenon. I wish I could have gotten a better picture of the Hill of Awesomeness but it's actually about 25 feet high and very steep. With my trusty friend, the sled that I got for Christmas, I spent the entire day experiencing what my childhood was always lacking: snow greatness

My body is totally going to hurt in the morning

Light Blue Is Sooo The New White

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fun fact: When washing your white clothing, don't think to yourself, "Eh, I'll just throw these new dark blue jeans in with them"

I am now the proud owner of three baby blue V-neck shirts.