"Whatcha doing Temp?" I greet Tempest but she's got a look of sheer determination on her face.
"Pooks, I'm gonna be rich! I just gotta find a way to get those quarters out!" She then points through the grate to show me two shiny quarters teasing us a few feet underneath us.
At this time, History of Modern Latin America has been forgotten. There's a chance of us getting rich here and I'm talking Washingtons here.
We start working with the drive of diamond miners as we lower the yardstick with a giant wad of citrus gum stuck on the end into the sewer but each time we come up empty: our hands are too big to fit through the holes and we're only a few inches too short. "A stick! A stick! Get me a stick!" I run to try and find a good stick to lengthened our yardstick. The first one is too thick to fit through the holes so I try to find another.
At this time, some of the administrators of my university enter the alley, finished with a meeting. They see us cheering and groaning as we get closer and closer to our prize and shake their heads at the street urchins who will do so much to get a few cents. "Oh the lengths some of those kids will go to pocket a few cents," is what I'm sure they were all thinking at the moment. They just don't understand.
It's at this time when I realize that I have a class I'm supposed to be sitting in right now. I make Tempest promise me to update me on her status and head towards caudillos and socialist parties.
About ten minutes later, I receive a text from Temp:
"Found a thinner stick and taped it [onto the yardstick]...when I went for the second one, a raccoon popped its head and stared me down."
Unfortunately, our get rich quick days were ended by the master bandit himself. And you wondered were all the change thrown into fountains went.
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