"No, life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath... We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn't it?"

--Donald Miller

What Heaven Is Going To Be Like

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A few years ago, I worked as a counselor at a summer camp near my hometown. While at camp, I found my best friend in the camp director's son, an imaginative 5 year old whom we all called Muff (his older sister nicknamed him "Muffin" but we shortened it to Muff to make it sound tougher). One of my favorite parts of the summer was finding him during my free time to play "Cowboys and Indians" or any other imaginative game that involved in him shooting me. Note: I die spectacular deaths. Muff even created a Pookie dance for me every time I came around and it's fair to say that Muff is one of my favorite people I've ever met.

Anyway, my sister is working again this year at the camp and frequently sees Muff on an everyday basis. This afternoon she sent me the following text, proving that Muff is one of the greatest children I have ever met:
"I asked Muff what he thought we'd do in heaven & he said he wanted to watch the Chronicles of Narnia movies with C.S. Lewis and talk to him about it"
This is possibly the best idea I've ever heard.


Elina said...

This is so cute! There's a million things I could say but after reading this I guess that would not matter, so, I'll just admit this must be the greatest kids in this wide world.

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