- A ridiculous amount of fruit snacks
- Garbage bags, the huge, heavy-duty kind that janitors use, because anything can, and probably will, happen
- Socks, two pairs of three different sizes
- Chuck E. Cheese tokens
- Whoopie cushion from Chuck E. Cheese that immediately broke after being used once (can't say I was too disappointed about that)
- Juice box straws. Which, by the way, I have become awfully talented in driving one-handed while the other hand searches for fallen juice box straws behind me/places straw into the microscopic hole of the juice box. Don't you just feel so safe with me on the road?
- A fishing pole
- A dog biscuit
- More fruit snacks
- Three bathing suits and towels, along with various pool accessories
- Bug spray and sunscreen
- Sidewalk chalk
- Nine cups used for my favorite childhood summertime activity: catching crawdads
- Two shoes that don't match
- Various bits of candy
It's been a rather eventful week, especially since I've had to come to terms with officially becoming a soccer mom.
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