I wear flip-flops because it's easy to kick them off and run in the grass
It's one of my favorite things: feeling soft grass underneath my feet.
I keep Tennessee's reputation of people never having shoes alive.
You would too if you just tried it.
Almost everyday I walk with my dog at sunset, and we watch as God says goodnight with a marvelous array of colors.
I walk slow. So my dog can smell everything in the world and so I can look at the colors.
I like to listen to soundtracks while I walk. It brings more adventure.
Plus, music without words allows for my mind to wander.
To go where it needs to.
Sometimes my mind wanders to the places that I've locked away because it hurts to think about them.
You know what I'm talking about. The place your mind darts away from as soon as it comes near the door.
On these walks, the door opens a little bit.
I explore the hurt, wonder about the future, imagine all the possibilities
I beseech you to try it. Narnia's soundtrack is phenomenal but Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium's music is best.
Sometimes when people see me walking barefoot and my dog off her leash, they give me the evil eye as they drive by in their expensive cars.
They don't understand. They have perfectly manicured yards but never go outside to enjoy them. They must have forgotten what soft grass under their feet feels like.
As for my dog, she's never left my side. There's no point in tying up your best friend if she's never two feet away.
I promise I'm not a hippie. Just happy that summer is here so I can be free.
When it gets dark while we're wandering, I like to just stop and sit in front of this barn that's in the middle of the neighborhood and watch the fireflies dance their summer jig.
There's a small farm on the side of my subdivision. I like to imagine that there's an old man that lives there, sitting on the porch with a shotgun, ready to shoot anyone who comes knocking and suggesting that he can sell the farm for a good deal of money.
If I ever saw him, I think I'd like to be friends with him. Someone like that must have a lot of determination.
And hope for better days. Or maybe just memories.
If there's still light outside and it's an exceptionally glorious sunset, I'll climb out onto the roof of my house and watch the sunset.
My cat joins me. She enjoys watching people outside.
Usually this is when most people stare me down as they drive or run past.
As you can imagine, we get a lot of letters from the neighborhood association.
Nobody ever asks what I'm doing up there.
Nobody ever really talks to anyone anymore.
I'm scared neighborhoods like that are extinct.
If anyone ever did ask, I'd definitely invite them up to come join me
Once they saw the sunset, they'd understand.
They'd understand life. And how it's supposed to be full of moments like these.
The rest of my day is full of other things. Working, schedules, the 25 page paper that's supposed to be due in 5 days.
I'm on page 5.
But for that one hour, as the sun sets, my life is at peace.
Shalom: well-being of mind, heart, and body, individually and communally