Dreams really do come true.
A few weeks ago, I went to Thailand with my school's study abroad program to learn about the culture and do quite a bit of sightseeing as well. I'll write more about that later because, right now I have to tell you about the greatest thing I'll ever experience.
The moment I had been waiting for since I started thinking about Thailand two years ago happened the very last day we were in Thailand. Throughout breakfast, I had a certain amount of giddiness and nervousness because THIS WAS THE DAY I WAS GOING TO MEET A TIGER. The professors on the trip watched me with a certain amount of bemusement as they compared my excitement to their grandchildrens' hysteria at Disney World.
Except this is much cooler than Disney World. I get to pet a large, wild 500 lb. beast that could potentially rip my head off.
Yeah, way cooler.
We approach the compound housing 3 large tigers and the trainer warns us not to provoke the tigers, because although domesticated, they still have the ability to kill us in a matter of seconds. Then he asked who wanted to go in first.
You better believe my hand shot up first.
Then, I met the most beautiful beast to walk on the planet
Me and Lucky
So, what do you do when you meet a tiger?
Show him whose boss
Take that ferocious beast!
However, tigers sleep 18+ hours a day, so they really don't care what you do.
That's just how the king of the jungle rolls.
Since he was napping, I did take the opportunity to sing him a little tiger lullaby and rub his belly. Apparently tigers really liked getting their bellies scratched.
I also met Jennifer Lopez while at Tiger Kingdom. She also happened to be there in the same tiger enclosure as I was
As the tiger trainer told me, "This J.Lo also has a very big butt"
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