This past week a friend and I decided to stay away from the internet for a full week to think and pray about some things in our life-some would call this a fast, I decided on "prioritizing" (that was a new concept for me).
I honestly wasn't sure how I was going to be able to hold up. Sure, I could stay away from wikipedia and The Internet Movie Database (although that was rough too), but stay away from FACEBOOK??
Might as well as take away all the oxygen in my life too.
I'll be honest, I stayed up until 4 the night before the internet break, solely surfing on Facebook, just to get my kick in for the next day as well.
But I figured since it was all about deciding things about my future and spiritual life, I should probably at least try.
But I did write this break up letter to Facebook instead:
Dear Facebook,
I'm sorry that things had to turn out this way. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I just don't like the way our relationship is going. I have come to the realization that maybe for a short while we need to just take some time away from each other just to focus on other things. I feel like I've become too dependent on you. We spend too much time together and it seems to be taking a toll on our interactions with other people. I need to branch out more and I can't do that when you're around---you smother me. Please don't get me wrong-you're great and I love being around you and I hope this means that we can still hang out but just know, I don't want to get into anything deep. I love you but I feel like I have to address this dilemma before it gets too out of hand. I hope we can meet again after we've both had time to think about this.
It actually wasn't that bad. I forgot that I had been living a great life for 16 years of my life before I encountered the internet.
This letter is reason #546 I love you.
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