"No, life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath... We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting and the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn't it?"

--Donald Miller

Let's Get Down To The Nitty Gritty!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So some of my fellow squadmates on The World Race challenged me to list 100 facts about myself, so here it is! 
  1. Named Pookie after the dog from Anastasia. I got the nickname from my older sister when I was 8 and the name has stuck ever since. Rarely does anyone actually call me Stephanie.
  2. I will literally eat anything except lasagna. That is the nastiest junk in the world.
  3. I once ate a cricket and a worm. They didn't taste as bad as lasagna does.
  4. My favorite animal is a lion.
  5. I own a lion. He's a 5'9 stuffed animal named Aslan Judah Mufasa and likes to go on car rides                                                                 
  6. I have pet both a lion and a tiger and that is my greatest accomplishment in life so far. In case you were wondering how they felt, they have different fur types. Tigers are much softer.
  7. I have three goals in life: 1. Pet a lion (check). 2. Become a youtube sensation. 3. Have someone name their child Pookie after me. (Middle name is acceptable).
  8. I've had about 5 near-death experiences. They've mainly occurred the on the week of my birthday and that's why I swear my birthdays are cursed.
  9. One of my dreams is to own a big kitchen and just feed tons of people
  10. Until the age of 17, i wanted to be a zookeeper
  11. When I was younger, I also wanted to be in the CIA
  12. I own every season of Alias. #11 is probably correlated with this.
  13. I love learning random pieces of trivia
  14. I'm seriously contemplating going on Jeopardy to raise money for The World Race
  15. I'm studying to be a middle school social studies teacher
  16. I have a fear that people will find me boring.
  17. If I could do anything in the world as a job, I would mentor teenagers through taking them on mission trips/service projects and showing them how much more there is in life
  18. In middle school, I took a test that told me what jobs I would be good for. I got bodyguard and cabinet maker.
  19. Everytime I take a personality test, I score 0 for extraversion. I'm a hardcore introvert and but I love meeting interesting people.
  20. When I took a love languages test, I tied for first with all the love languages except Quality Time. I like to consider myself an equal opportunist
  21. Sarcasm and food are my true love languages.
  22. I'm an INFP
  23. I'm also the baby of not only my immediate family but both sides of my extended family.
  24. I love reading about personality theories. It helps me understand people
  25. You know those movies like X-men or Heroes where suddenly the character develops a superpower like being invisible or mind-reading? I'm pretty sure that I have a superpower like that, I'm just not sure what it is yet.
  26. I love to write and I don't do it enough.
  27. I feel the most at peace when I'm making art. 
  28. One of my favorite things to do ever is watch the stars. They are so cool. And big.
  29. My favorite constellation is Pleiades
  30. I wish that I could be a grandmother but I don't want to become a mother. If I had the chance to skip from 30 to 55 I totally would. They seem like smarter versions of teenagers. Actually I just want to wear a Mumu and ride around in a Hoverround.
  31. I lived on a farm my entire childhood
  32. I had about 20ish cats, a few horses, some fish, a goat, a dog and some raccoons and an old, obese opossum. Granted, we didn't pet the wild animals but we could sit in our barn and watch them.
  33. I've been to Chile, Nicaragua, Canada and Thailand
  34. My parents were born in Chile and moved away as teenagers. My mother's actually a Canadian citizen now because she lived there inbetween Chile and the USA
  35. The past 3 generations of my family have all been born in one country and passed away in another. I kinda want to uphold that awesomeness.
  36. While hopefully #35 won't happen while I'm on The World Race, part of me hopes that the end of the world happens in 2012, mainly so I won't have to get a real job.
  37. Not many things make me feel uncomfortable--except everyone having their attention on me. That just makes me feel nauseous
  38. When I talk to myself (come on--everyone does it), myself tends to have a British accent (which everyone probably doesn't have).
  39. I drink all my drinks without ice and I like my soda warm. 
  40. My bedroom has a hammock. Usually I just sleep in that, it's much more comfortable than my bed.
  41. My biggest pet peeve is people talking during movies. There must be silence. I also don't go to the movies on Friday or Saturday nights because of it.
  42. My favorite book is The Chronicles of Narnia's The Last Battle. C.S. Lewis is such a man.
  43. My favorite movie is The Lion King. (Again along with #42, it's the whole lion thing)
  44. My other favorite movies are Nacho Libre and Life is Beautiful. And Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (don't judge it til you watch it). I also have a very diverse taste in things.
  45. 90s movies such as Cool Runnings, Hook, and Space Jam are literally the greatest movies ever
  46. Books are seriously my favorite things in the whole wide world. It's going to be rough not being able to bring a ton of them on The World Race
  47. I want to own a library one day like the one from Beauty and the Beast
  48. Favorite song: The Call by Regina Spektor
  49. I once caught a fish with my bare hands. I think it was dying and was really old and slow but it was the coolest thing ever
  50. I can literally fall asleep anywhere. Naps are a big deal in my life
  51. The best nap I've ever taken was in Thailand in 2011. When you experience such great things, you remember those historic events.
  52. I love playing card games and board games
  53. Every year, I make a new years' resolutions list with 100 small but awesome things to accomplish. Making this list is much harder than that ever was.
  54. Some of my heroes are: Mr. Rogers, Mother Teresa, and Robin Hood. The cartoon one.
  55. I often get confused for Dora the Explorer by small children.
  56. I would do anything for a Chick-fil-a mint chocolate chip milkshake
  57. In case you couldn't tell by this list, I'm somewhat scatterbrained.
  58. I have the entire chapter of Hebrews 11 memorized. Because it's my favorite
  59. I'm supposed to be writing a paper at this moment. This is a good alternative
  60. I'm always about 10-15 minutes late and the worst procrastinator ever. Hence #59
  61. I'm going to miss Chick-fil-a and sweet tea the most while on the race. It's gonna be rough
  62. Addition to #2: The last time I ate hotdogs was 4 years ago at my school's annual "Dorm Wars" where you had to eat as many as you could in a minute. Thanks also to Dorm Wars this year, I will never eat Krystals again either.
  63. I was saved when I was 13 after some older teenagers became my mentors and encouraged me to seriously read the Bible.
  64. Shortly after, when I was 14, my father passed away from a long-time liver disease. 
  65. My favorite scar happened almost 2 years ago. I tried surfing in a canoe and it flipped, leaving an awesome scar on my knee.
  66. If I were a boy, I'd be a construction worker hands down. I love building stuff and working with my hands
  67. Once, when I was 11, I tried to train myself to be amibidexous. It didn't really work but my left hand now has better cursive writing than my right. Mainly because my normal cursive sucks.
  68. The last concert I went to was the Backstreet Boys/New Kids On The Block reunion tour. I regret nothing.
  69. I only cry about once every 2 years. 
  70. I have a habit of stealing shopping carts. I've owned about 3. Also, I have a few road signs and Caution: Wet Floor signs. One day I'll return them
  71. I'm pretty certain that jackalopes are real.                                                                                                                                                                               This little treasure almost came home with me.
  72. I've been 5'4 since the 7th grade
  73. My vision is so bad, I'm almost blind
  74. I used to have a tooth on the roof of my mouth. I called it my shark tooth but unfortunately, my parents had it removed when I was in 2nd grade
  75. One of my greatest desires is to one day find Narnia. 
  76. I've worn a Mickey Mouse watch everyday since I was 8
  77. When I'm trying to keep myself awake in class, I name all the presidents in order and then all the kings and queens of England. I've been trying to learn all the czars of Russia but it's kinda tricky
  78. I have an awesomely high tolerance for pain
  79. My older sister Andrea is one of my heroes
  80. Roadtrips are one of my favorite things in life. I hope to own a 15 passenger van or an RV one day to take epic roadtrips
  81. I believe heaven is going to be like one giant potluck. Potlucks are my favorite thing ever because of the intimate community and the plethora of delicious foods
  82. If I could be any character in The Lord Of The Rings, I would be Samwise Gamgee
  83. Lucky Charms are hands-down my favorite food. You can't go wrong with magically delicious
  84. I lived near Billy Ray Cyrus and went to school with Ke$ha, Mat Kearney and some of Paramore
  85. The earliest memory I have is when I lived in California and there was a small earthquake. All I remember is that it was a Sunday morning and I was sitting on my bed that had a Sesame Street comforter. 
  86. Proof that God listens to prayers: This one time I was in Thailand and for about a week I had been craving Mexican food. I kept jokingly praying for some Mexican food to appear and lo and behold, there was a Mexican restaurant right in the middle of Chiang Mai. God is good ya'll
  87. I first found out about The World Race when visiting my friend Tempest. Her next door neighbor had a support card asking for prayer for her sister on The World Race. I thought it was The Amazing Race and kept reading. I checked the website out once and didn't think about it until a year later in this past June, when I came across it again. I prayed for direction and God led me there.
  88. I'm hoping to get Disaster Relief certified this summer before going on the Race.
  89. I wasn't good at soccer until after I quit playing on a team and just played for fun.
  90. I used to practice archery. Mainly because I wanted to be Robin Hood as a kid
  91. Top most common words that are used to describe me: easy-going, calm, and funny
  92. I'm scared of wavepools and heights. 
  93. Once I wrote a poem and it was published in a book. I don't remember what the book is called though but it's in our house somewhere.
  94. My car's name is Ernestine after the lunch lady at my school. She's a big deal.
  95. When I was 4, my preschool teacher thought I was mute when I was little. I was just painfully shy. It took me until I was about 17 to finally get over that. 
  96. Contrary to popular belief, my middle name is not Pookie. It's Renee and I was named after my grandfather, Rene
  97. I feel much more comfortable talking to children and middle schoolers than I do talking to adults
  98. When I'm looking for an object that I've lost, I sing its name to the tune of "Eye of the Tiger". For example: Keys! Keys! Keys! Keys! or Pants! Pants! Pants! Pants! I've always found what I was looking for.  
  99. I type in microwave times in square roots. So instead of 60 seconds, I do 64. This is mainly because I think the 1, 2, 3, and 0 buttons are overused and I want to give the other numbers fair chance of being pushed too. Yeah, don't analyze that one too much.
  100. I have an irrational fear of dinosaurs. My biggest fear is that one day a dinosaur will eat me and my nightmares usually involve me running away from velociraptors that were trained by the FBI to hunt me down. Jurassic Park really messed me up as a kid.

Little Pookie


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